Wednesday, 14 October 2015


I recently listened to a podcast featuring 'Old - Hag', in which she spoke about how so many people claim to be a witch or follow a religion, but don't put anything into it. They are not for lack of a better term 'practicing'.
And this made me think; is this me?
Do I label myself but not follow through?
Do I perform enough magic, to classify as a witch?

The answer is that every time I light a candle, every time I draw down the moon, every time I put my intentions out into the world, every time I wear a crystal for guidance. every time I read tarot, every time I meditate, every time I let the bath water run down the plug hole before leaving the tub, every time I bake with love, every time I use herbs for healing - all of these things are magic.
In my heart I feel so strongly connected to divination and candle magic. I am drawn to mirror magic, and adore reading tea leaves.
It's not a lie, it's not a fad, this is my life - and in every thing I do, you can find my inner witch.
It's inside all of us.
How can it not be, women especially with our connection to the moon and the tide.
We are made of power.
We are the goddess.

I agree with Old-Hag, there are many people of little faith out there from all religions who claim to be something, they simply are not.
But what does your heart say?
You can't expect good things to come from your religion, if you are not practicing.
How does mother earth know you're calling, if you don't take the time to get outside?

Friday, 4 September 2015


I've been performing a lot of candle magic recently, thanks to the abundance of candles that have come into my life.
Life is back on track.
Things feel like they're moving in the right direction...finally.

I did a pull for this blog, using my fae oracle deck, beautifully illustrated by Brian Froud.
G. Hobyah

-Imaginary Fears
-Unreal Hazards
-Realistic Caution.

"The Hobyah thrives on fear, getting stronger and stronger until we face him. He is a sham - a tiny fear blown out of all proportion - and the smallest positive thought will banish him."

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Love And Light

This beautiful little spiritual shop in Chepstow, stocks the most beautiful handmade, reiki infused candles. In all shapes, all sizes, all smells, and all colours.
I have had nothing but wonderful service from them.
The lady who owns the shop and is behind the creation of all these gorgeous candles is Simone Jones.
She's been awfully accomadating for me, taking all beeswax from her candles, to make them vegan friendly for me, and recently I was honoured enough, to be asked by the shop, to photograph a new range of glass candles that were now being made. 

Below are my results.
It's been along time since I did any sort of buisness/product shots, but I think I captured the magic of these creations here. 

Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Page of Swords

A one card pull...
The Page of Swords,
Or in the Wildwood deck, the Page of Arrows.

PAGES are messenger cards.
SWORDS have the element of air.
SWORDS deal with the mind and intellect.

This card represents an abundance of energy, passion and enthusiasm.
You cannot wait to get started on new projects, and share them with the world.
This card is giving you the 'Go!Go!Go!'
The problem is sticking to your plans, and keeping the wheels turning.
Now is the time to take action, and move forwards.
The card shows curiosity, and the feeling of restlessness. 

Is anyone else feeling this card as hard as I am??

Now if you'll excuse me, you'll find me in the garden!


Sunday, 7 June 2015

Coming back hard!

I've neglected this blog something chronic.
And I'm coming back onto it in a pretty 'hard' way.
I'm experiencing some serious 'world hate' right now... If you don't understand what this is, you probably have blinders on to what goes on around you; to what is on your plate, to what you're wearing, to the atrocities that go on all over the world around you.

I'm physically sick to my stomach - crying - mad - raging - distraught - beyond hope?

Today, I'm going to share a blog entry with you, that has come straight from my personal journal.
A trail of thoughts....of hopes...of dreams...of prayers.

Friday 16th Jan '15

I really hope with all my heart, that years from now, people will look back at how past generations ruined the world. I hope they will look and they will say 'Why?'
 I pray that future schools will teach the war on animals alongside Nazi Germany - that 'Eco' will be an important lesson taught. I pray for shops crammed with cruelty-free products. A world where our oceans aren't in threat - where 'Sustainable Environment' is more than just a marketing tool.
 I dream of children who run through forests, and can name the types of trees. Of children who can run home listing the wildlife they've seen that day, and running out of fingers to count them all on.
 A world where the common question is,

 "What do you mean you eat animals?"
A time when 'Cull' is no longer an except-able excuse, and the word is treated like the word, 'murderer'
A world where animals have won their fight for rights...and life!
A world of reading and intellect - where 'book worm' is a compliment. When ignorance is no longer bliss, and knowledge, not money, holds power.
 That love will conquer all in the end - and that romance and fairytales aren't taken for granted.
We have very nearly destroyed this planet, and I see no change coming in my lifetime. But I hold firm to my belief that one day, even though I will never see it - the revolution will come!
We are putting the base of the foundations in place for future generations to fix our devastating mistakes!!

Tonight I light a candle for the 150 BILLION animals murdered this year.
Some of us are trying...

Tonight especially has been rough. My faith is broken.
We experience periods like this. Times when it all seems so untouchable. And then their are highs. There are feelings of elation at progress, even the smallest kind. Like an ever turning wheel, are emotions flow and ebb...

Here are some potentially handy links;
And there are plenty of facebook groups to nosey around;

Sorry for getting heavy with you guys after a long absence...but not sorry really.
Next blog post will once more be tarot related...and hopefully more positive. 

Ferocious Vegan signing off.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Faerie Arc

Whilst trying to connect with my Faerie Oracle, lovingly created by Brian Froud; I discovered a new spread, that can easily (and probably is) be translated to a traditional tarot deck.

It's a very simple question driven, 5 card spread.

Here is the set-up;

Card 1 ~ Which is the card at the bottom of the image.
                Represents you currently in terms of your question.

Card 2 ~ The next card up, placed horizontally.
                Is the obstacle in the way.

Card 3 ~ The card to the left.
               Something you can do to get to your desired ending.
Card 4 ~ The card to the right.
                Something else you can do to aid the situation.
Card 5 ~ The top, central card.
               Your goal. End result.

Using this spread I actually began to feel a connection to this deck for the first time. Doing larger pulls, always helps me see patterns and meanings, more so than a one card pull.

This is my first result whilst using the spread.

With Frouds Faerie Oracle deck, and most oracle cards in general; the reading is as much about your own interpretation, as it is about what the book states. I'm learning to combine the two, to get a properly accurate reading for myself and others.
Take the card below; The Oak Men.

It's a beautiful card, and instantly through the title, I think of trees. Old, wise, and seemingly ever lasting. In the three faces, I can see the Mother, Maiden and Crone - knowledge learn't from our elders, passed on through generations, which helps us grow wise and strong. Trees are stoic and unmoving...and if we think of JRR Tolkien's Ents, they are slow in their thinking, but deep. Looking for deeper meaning and thought behind actions. No rash behaviour.
 This is my interpretation, and when you look up the meaning in the book that Froud intended to create, you'll often find some/a lot of similarities to what you've come up with yourself.


I plan to make a blog on the books in my TBR pile currently. And also to share a fun idea I discovered that involves using your crystals.

Love and Light,

Friday, 13 February 2015

My Spring Altar

Over 2 months since my last blog update...
That's a long, unintentional break.

I'm hoping to start back up here, to reconnect spiritually to my cards and other magical working. And maybe one or two people will find something that helps them on their path here.

So I'll start with my altar re-design for spring.
Which is all about endings and new beginnings.

It's an altar focused on building and growing dreams. Featuring 3 (the magical number) photos of people who are currently inspiring me, and living dreams I want to live myself.
Everytime I do focused work at my altar, these guys are staring back at me, encouraging me.

This little pewter witch under my roe deer skull, was one of my first magical purposes. I got her when I was around 11, and with her little cone hat, she really grounds me.

The shells I collected from various beach trips over the years - they represent water, travel, and creativity.


I've got a new spread to share with you all here soon. I've been trying hard to connect with my Brian Froud Faerie Oracle Deck, and yesterday I got a truly motivational, true reading with it for the first time.

If you would like to see my daily posts, and more of my witchy goings on, feel free to follow me over on my instagram;