It's a very simple question driven, 5 card spread.
Here is the set-up;
Card 1 ~ Which is the card at the bottom of the image.
Represents you currently in terms of your question.
Card 2 ~ The next card up, placed horizontally.
Is the obstacle in the way.
Card 3 ~ The card to the left.
Something you can do to get to your desired ending.
Card 4 ~ The card to the right.
Something else you can do to aid the situation.
Card 5 ~ The top, central card.
Your goal. End result.
This is my first result whilst using the spread.
With Frouds Faerie Oracle deck, and most oracle cards in general; the reading is as much about your own interpretation, as it is about what the book states. I'm learning to combine the two, to get a properly accurate reading for myself and others.
Take the card below; The Oak Men.
It's a beautiful card, and instantly through the title, I think of trees. Old, wise, and seemingly ever lasting. In the three faces, I can see the Mother, Maiden and Crone - knowledge learn't from our elders, passed on through generations, which helps us grow wise and strong. Trees are stoic and unmoving...and if we think of JRR Tolkien's Ents, they are slow in their thinking, but deep. Looking for deeper meaning and thought behind actions. No rash behaviour.
This is my interpretation, and when you look up the meaning in the book that Froud intended to create, you'll often find some/a lot of similarities to what you've come up with yourself.
I plan to make a blog on the books in my TBR pile currently. And also to share a fun idea I discovered that involves using your crystals.
Love and Light,