Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Page of Swords

A one card pull...
The Page of Swords,
Or in the Wildwood deck, the Page of Arrows.

PAGES are messenger cards.
SWORDS have the element of air.
SWORDS deal with the mind and intellect.

This card represents an abundance of energy, passion and enthusiasm.
You cannot wait to get started on new projects, and share them with the world.
This card is giving you the 'Go!Go!Go!'
The problem is sticking to your plans, and keeping the wheels turning.
Now is the time to take action, and move forwards.
The card shows curiosity, and the feeling of restlessness. 

Is anyone else feeling this card as hard as I am??

Now if you'll excuse me, you'll find me in the garden!


Sunday, 7 June 2015

Coming back hard!

I've neglected this blog something chronic.
And I'm coming back onto it in a pretty 'hard' way.
I'm experiencing some serious 'world hate' right now... If you don't understand what this is, you probably have blinders on to what goes on around you; to what is on your plate, to what you're wearing, to the atrocities that go on all over the world around you.

I'm physically sick to my stomach - crying - mad - raging - distraught - beyond hope?

Today, I'm going to share a blog entry with you, that has come straight from my personal journal.
A trail of thoughts....of hopes...of dreams...of prayers.

Friday 16th Jan '15

I really hope with all my heart, that years from now, people will look back at how past generations ruined the world. I hope they will look and they will say 'Why?'
 I pray that future schools will teach the war on animals alongside Nazi Germany - that 'Eco' will be an important lesson taught. I pray for shops crammed with cruelty-free products. A world where our oceans aren't in threat - where 'Sustainable Environment' is more than just a marketing tool.
 I dream of children who run through forests, and can name the types of trees. Of children who can run home listing the wildlife they've seen that day, and running out of fingers to count them all on.
 A world where the common question is,

 "What do you mean you eat animals?"
A time when 'Cull' is no longer an except-able excuse, and the word is treated like the word, 'murderer'
A world where animals have won their fight for rights...and life!
A world of reading and intellect - where 'book worm' is a compliment. When ignorance is no longer bliss, and knowledge, not money, holds power.
 That love will conquer all in the end - and that romance and fairytales aren't taken for granted.
We have very nearly destroyed this planet, and I see no change coming in my lifetime. But I hold firm to my belief that one day, even though I will never see it - the revolution will come!
We are putting the base of the foundations in place for future generations to fix our devastating mistakes!!

Tonight I light a candle for the 150 BILLION animals murdered this year.
Some of us are trying...

Tonight especially has been rough. My faith is broken.
We experience periods like this. Times when it all seems so untouchable. And then their are highs. There are feelings of elation at progress, even the smallest kind. Like an ever turning wheel, are emotions flow and ebb...

Here are some potentially handy links;
And there are plenty of facebook groups to nosey around;

Sorry for getting heavy with you guys after a long absence...but not sorry really.
Next blog post will once more be tarot related...and hopefully more positive. 

Ferocious Vegan signing off.