One of my ultimate life inspirations Veronica Varlow, posted this tutorial
On a bit of candle magick to become who you want to be. I knew I had to do this! And with Imbolc just around the corner, I thought this time of new beginnings was perfect.
So below is my own process of making this little altar, but Veronicas is better, so I recommend you go check hers out also.
First things first.
Find a log, or small tree stump that means something to you, and almost as importantly, won't roll on a flat surface.
This is mine. I was on my way to an old wood from my childhood, to find one...and I came across this in my path. Put there for me perhaps? Symbolically it's wonderful, cut from a young tree I walked passed daily to get to my boyfriends house, it's a true representation of clearing the old to promote new growth.
The next step involves candles...I suggest getting candles all the same length, so the burning time remains the same. You can either buy special candles, or I found it a great excuse to use up old candles I'd had around for years.
Veronicas blog calls for 9 candles...I limited this to 3 for my own personal choice. Partly because I couldn't choose any more words, and because 3 is also a magic number.
So, this is the hard part. Choose 3 (or however many applies) words that you wish to embody for 2014. 3 Wishes if you will, personal things. Personality, mind and soul words. Some can be internal, some can be external, to bring things your way. My words are; Courage, Creative, Loved. I think this is all I am wanting for the new year. Next carve these words into your candles...inscribing them with your thoughts and motivation.
Lighting each candle in turn, let wax drip and pool onto your log, to create a standing base for your candle. Press the base of the candle into the hardening wax. And make sure it is stuck tight. Remember these candles are to be lit, and if they fall off while alight, you may cause some serious damage to your home or to yourself.
Below is a photo of my finished result...I love it! I followed Ve's advice and placed my altar somewhere I will always see it. Every time I leave the house these words, and those emotions will be staring me in the face.
Happy Imbolc to anyone who reads this, and if you fancy making your own, please feel free to share them with me! And with Ve, she'd love to see them all!