Sunday, 22 June 2014

Strawberry Jam

Hello wonderful people. I'm here today with a wonderfully simple, and fairly quick jam recipe!
 So obviously, you need to start with some beautiful fruit. Here is two pounds of hand-picked, fresh strawberries.

 Hull your strawberries, and then wash them in cold water. DRY THEM OFF!
This is super important. Strawberry Jam is one of the hardest jams to set...additional water makes the process 10x harder.

 Prepare the juice of one and a half lemons. Add this to your dry, chopped strawberries, in your pan.

 Now this is the slightly boring part. You need to boil your strawberries and lemon juice, until you have nearly no full strawberries left, and everything's boiled right down.
For me this took about 40 minutes. Then you need to add your sugar. You add a pound of sugar for every pound of fruit.

I had 2 pounds of strawberries, so 2 pounds of sugar. 
Bring this to the boil.

By boiling, you are dissolving the sugar, but also forcing all the (in this case) pink scum to the edge of your pan.
Carefully get in there with a spoon, and remove what you can.
Then return your jam to a simmer.

Whilst waiting now is a good time to right out your labels...

And prepare your jam jars.

Test a small sample of jam, by putting it on a saucer and placing it in the fridge.
If it starts to set, you're good to go. If not, let your jam simmer for a little longer.

Using a funnel and jug, pour the jam into your PREHEATED jars.
Do this carefully, the jam is scolding hot.

And there you have it.
Glorious, homemade jam from your own hands.
Bare in mind that in this hot weather the jam is going to take ages to set. It's best simply left, with the lids off but covered, overnight.

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