Everyone you speak to will have different methods for pulling cards, for shuffling a deck - they'll say there way is the right way.
And it is....
For them.
You need to find a way that works for you when it comes to doing a tarot reading. But sometime listening to other peoples traditions and ways, may spark something inside you.
When a girl who's in 'The Parlour' with me, said that she taps her deck three times after doing a reading, I thought 'Oh! That's a bit strange...I've never heard of that before.' Next time I did a reading, without me even consciously deciding it, my index finger moved on top of my deck, and before my eyes it tapped three times.
And now that has stuck.
I do it every time.
Obviously something triggered in me when it was mentioned, and my body and mind thought it was the right thing to do,
Let's start then, with setting up for a reading.
You need to prepare your reading space, but you also need to prepare yourself.
I start by putting on some music, and brewing myself some lovely, cleansing green tea. Wash out those toxins and bad energies.
Do a bit of a stretch and a wiggle, as you brush the days stress from your shoulders.
Clear your mind of everything except your deck.
Light your candles.
Get that incense going around you, long before you start reading.
Fill the air with your favorite scent.
Set the mood.
If I'm doing a particularly large or special reading, I like to physically cleanse my body also, with a long salt bath. Lots of healing essential oils rubbed into my skin.
I'll be doing this for the 12 card spread I have planned for Samhain.
One reading for me, one reading for you.
Sit comfortably before your reading space.
Even if your reading space is just the floor before you - lay out some crystals, a favourite ornament, an incense cone...make it magic.
It's no good to start a reading if you're all fidgety.
Let go.
Feel yourself connecting to the earth.
Ground yourself.
Find your center, your magic core, and get ready to use it.
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Now there are two main ways to set up your cards.
I'll start with my main and, up until recently, only method for pulling cards.
I will shuffle my cards first with a blank mind. Listen to that music you've put on, and sink into the cards, let your magic flow into the ink at your fingertips.
Remember that whilst they are an often beautiful and useful tool - YOU are the source of the reading.
The magic, the divination is coming from inside you.
Once I feel truly comfortable, I split my deck into three on my reading area. (3 is a magic number remember) And then letting my unconcious be my guide, I retrieve the cards into one solid pile, using my dominant hand.
Now whilst shuffling again, I focus on my question or the reason behind the reading. Often silently thinking it in my head, but sometimes having to say it out loud.
In amongst all this shuffling, I take the deck and hold it to my heart with both hands. I clearly say the question once more in my head.
And then I simply shuffle until my heart tells me to stop.
I often feel a bit of a tug in my chest.
My hands falter in their rythmic pattern.
And I know that I am at the right space in the deck.
And finally I place my deck to the left of my space, and pull the cards one by one from the top of the deck. I leave them face down to start with. So the next card can be pulled while my mind is still peaceful - not reeling from what the previous card meant.
Here I use my left hand as it is the one closest to my heart.
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The other way - which has never before worked for me with any deck, is arcing the cards.
But oddly enough, I knew this was the only way to use my Faerie Oracle deck. I don't know why. I could shuffle that deck for hours, and never experience that sensation to stop.
Now this kind-of set-up is most useful for one card pulls.
It would be possible to do a multiple card spread - but it almost makes you lack that gut instinct, and you end up just picking cards at random. You'd also require a HUGE reading space.
Arcing the cards can be tricky, and requires a bucketload of practice. But also the right surface.
Do not try and arc your deck on a shiny, slippery table. The results will be messy and unpleasant to look at.
Carpet is your friend here.
So taking your dominant hand, (after some mild shuffling) firmly grasp your deck.
Make sure you have plenty of room to your right to pull the cards.
Using the required pressure - which can be quite a bit - slowly drag your cards.
They should slip away from each other, falling into this wonderful arc like shape.
It does not have to be perfect, but if you are planning on using this technique for others, it is aesthetically pleasing and impressive to create a near perfect arc.
Next, you scan the cards with your eyes.
Take in anything that stands out to you.
Does a certain card draw your eye in? Is a certain side of the deck pulling your attention?
You can use your hand to hover just above the cards.
Do your fingers tingle over a certain card?
Is your hand drawn over a certain section?
Go with your gut. And pull your card.
And that's it.
My two methods for setting up a reading.
Feel free to share any special quirks you have in the comments?
I'd love to here how others practice the craft and their divination.
I've got loads more to share with you, so don't forget to keep checking back.
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