Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Candle Making.

I've made candles in many complicated ways in the past, with some great results. This is by far the quickest method to make your own ritual candles on a budget. (If you're on a really tight budget with limited time, you can buy pre-made kits off the internet for around £6 - I prefer to locally source my beeswax sheets and I buy my candle wick and wick holders off of etsy.)

Dyed beeswax sheets are available in lots of different colours, so you'll be able to find what you need for you spell-working, or find a colour that matches your room theme. If you buy the sheets individually, when you cut them - you need to make one side wider, to get the wrapping effect. (In the above picture you can see the length at the bottom of the beeswax is longer than the top. This can take a bit of trial and error to find which size works for you.)

Place the wick close to the wide edge of the beeswax. And just start rolling! Keep the bottom of your candle level, so roll with the shape of the wax.
 They come out really cute! I don't know for definite I have not completely burned one yet, but I'd estimate they'll burn for anywhere between 2-3 hours. Remember to make the base nice and flat, otherwise they won't stand on your surfaces.

These also make great gifts, or quick additions to a craft fair stall. The above candles are ones I've already sold and are packaged up to head off to their new home.

TIP; You can lightly coat the inside of the beeswax with essential oils to create wonderful fragrances as they burn. If you're making these for gifts, I would try and associate the colours with the oil, for example; My lilac candles are sweet lavender scented, the red is rose oil, etc.

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