Saturday, 4 January 2014

Self - Portraits

Thousands of years ago, cats used to be worshipped as gods...they've never forgotten this.
This morning I woke up with all the inspiring images I'd been browsing last night rolling around in my head - and also with a cat under my cheek. One of the main things I was looking at last night, was the work of Casstranaut and Kindra Nikole. One of Kindras main photographic subjects is herself. And she creates truly gorgeous images. Self-Portraits are a great way to utilise your skills and time. Finding models, has been something I've been struggling with a lot recently. My old friends, who were kind enough to put up with my mad ideas, have moved away...and I am left, searching high and low, for lots of pretty ladies. But looking through 'Kindras' work and feeling totally inspired, I've been contemplating, atleast a few of the ideas for shoots in my head, could be done as Self-portraits. I'm not a confident person, but I think like every photographer, I have dabbled in self portraiture before.
It's hard to look critcally at yourself in terms of a photograph...But I feel that to get passed this little block I'm having, I might need to get back infront of the camera. I've only ever taken solo shots of myself, never a full I think I'm going to take singular images, but with bigger concepts.
There are some limitations with self-portraits, but I find that the shooting itself is very theraputic. It is wonderful to drive to a location, with your favourite album blaring from the stereo, leave your car parked somewhere, and traipse through nature, arms full of clothes, tripods, ladders, etc. Being alone with nothing but your camera, and the world around you.

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