Usually, when you think of castles, it's usually falling ruins, and broken stone...but Edinburgh Castle, had definitely stood the test of time.
The history of this epic building was truly amazing.
Matt and I were enthralled with the paintings, and the weaponry, and just generally the workmanship that was in everything.
We walked cobbles were Mary Queen Of Scots walked.
We stood in the bed chamber she gave birth in.
We saw the jewels of Scotland with our own eyes.
We ran our hands over ancient wood, and stone.
I thought of you wonderful lot as I was walking around, trailing my fingertips over marble fireplaces.
My loyal bloggers, and I knew I had to do a reading for you in this place.
Did I mention that in the very center of the castle, there was a tearoom?
A whole 3 page menu of tea blends!
With a cup of chai before me, using my Fae Oracle deck, I asked this spirits of this historical building to send you a message.
To lend some wisdom and guidance.
The spirits led my hands to this card.
Isis Of The Rainbow
Promise for the Future.
Promise for the Future.
The storm might not be over, but sunlight is starting to break through the clouds.
Hope is the key to brightening these rays and surviving the storm.
Hope is the key to brightening these rays and surviving the storm.
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