Friday, 14 November 2014

Yuletide Altar

Altars are a very sacred space to any witch.
That is not to say that you can't practice witchcraft if you do not have an altar - but they are a wonderful place to ground and center yourself, as well as a great way to leave a dedication to your chosen faith, and to have as a thanks to the goddess.

Now, like most of my fellow sisters, my altar changes seasonally. It's very easy to alter your altar to bring some of nature indoors.

I thought today I would share with you my current autumn/winter altar.
Altars are private places where a witch can 'pray' if you will. It is a great space for meditation and any spellwork.

Over ten years ago, when I set up my first altar - I had been gifted and purchased so many wonderful artifacts, that I was cramming as much as I could fit onto my altar.
Over time I've learnt that less is more, and that I can utalise the space around my workspace for spare candles, my runes, my chi-gong balls, and to burn incense.
I've found working on a small table for an altar to be most useful.
Plenty of space below it for storage, and you can easily cover it all up with a large piece of pretty fabric.

Choose items that are personal to you!
This is very easy to do with small items like crystals, as you can change them routinely without changing your entire altar. Crystals that represent things you wish to achieve this month, or crystals for meditation work wonderfully.
(For those curious; quartz, eagles eye, tigers eye)

For the months of September and October, I had a pumpkin lantern on my altar, now that Samhain has passed, and we are moving into Yule - I have replaced the pumpkin with a festive wreath.  I placed it around an ever-present candle on my altar.
 At the base of this bowl, are rose petals worked in love magic months ago, that will stay on my altar for a long, long time. But depending on what my altar is meant to be expressing, I add different objects to the top of the bowl.
Now, it is red leaves of autumn, a pine cone, and a seagull skull.
There are two skulls on my altar at the moment. A bird and a fox. Both are real, and both were ethically obtained.
The skulls are really important throughout the course of winter. It reminds us of natures trials in these months, and of the impending death of flowers, and trees, and grass, and animals, with the presence of snow and frost, and biting cold.

Whilst Tarot and divination are a large part of my life, I don't usually have a tarot card on my altar. But recently 'The Moon' card has been calling to me. I've pulled it multiple times - it's moved from the bottom of my deck to the top at least twice. And the moon has been in my dreams.

The Moon represents your subconscious. Your hidden desires. It tells you to listen to your dreams and learn from them. The Moon represents a darker side to you emerging. 


If you are lucky enough to have a familiar, set them up a little bed, near your altar. You'll find they love to sleep nearby when you are doing spell work.

Show me your altars in the comments.
I love seeing where you all work your magic.

Love and Light,

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