Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Overnight Oats

There are loads of these recipes online at the moment, a new craze in the vegan food movement;

Overnight Oats

Sounds simple?
Well it is!
So very simple, but makes for a wonderful, filling breakfast.

Feel free to peruse around the interweb for other variations of the recipe, but this is what I did, and it worked lovely for me.

You can use any topping or flavorings you choose! Experiment with it.

So, let's start with the ingredients.

~ 1 lrg ripe banana
~ 2 tbsps peanut butter
~ 1 cup of oats
~ 1 cup of almond milk
~ 2 tsps chia seeds
~ Cinnamon
~ Nutmeg
~ 1 tbsp argave nectar

Oh Chia seeds! My secret love!
I use them all the time.
On a daily basis...
These beauties find their way into my rice dishes, my curries, my desserts, puddings.

Chia seeds contain loads of protein, along with essential amino acids for your body, and antioxidants. It's a healthy and vegan way to get your dose of omega 3 fats and fibre. It's also got a fairly high calcium content.
It's a great energy boost, and if it's not already a part of your diet, you need to change that RIGHT AWAY!

Now - All you have to do is mash your banana, before adding all the ingredients to your bowl. Mix well...really well! Get that peanut butter spread out.
Add your spices to your taste preferances, I added a bucketload of nutmeg, and about a teaspoon of cinnamon.
                                                      Perfect for cold autumn mornings.
And then refrigerate it overnight. 

Yes, it's honestly that simple. A great alternative to your every morning porridge.
Take it out of the fridge in the morning, and top it however you choose.

I topped mine with sliced banana, and 'Hot Shot' pouring chocolate.


After Tarot Thursday, I'm going to do a blog on how to pull your tarot cards, how to start up a reading.
See you soon lovelies.


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