Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Tarot Thursday

Hello, my darlings.
Welcome to another Tarot Thursday.

Yesterday, around dusk, I headed through the woods, to a place that holds many memories for me. A spot on the riverbank, that has played witness to so many moments of my teenage years.

Love, sex, friendships, alcohol experimentation, photoshoots, escape, band get-together, crazy nature parties, and quite a bit of heart break. 
I didn't really head there on purpose, I just let me feet go where they felt they needed to, and I ended up in this beautiful spot. Memories flooded over me.
The wind was strong on the waters edge.
Herons and gulls stood in the clay-like mud, fishing just beneath me.
Soft bird lullabies mingled with the sound of the rushing River Severn.
And, it smelt like the sea.
That salt up your nostrils, fishy, wonderful scent of the sea.

Beautiful, lazy dragon-flies were my guide through the forest. As I stopped to take some photos of them, A few of them fluttered up into my hair, perching like delicate ornaments on my head.
Nature was definitely on my side today.

The woodland was ripe with wild blackberries...the temptation of which, I could not resist!
And with dyed fingers, and the sweet nectar of the berries still on my tongue, I asked what guidance I could pass on to you all.

Seven of Swords

This is the second time I've pulled this card for you lovely lot.
I'm hugging you all right now. Times are getting complicated and challenging. 
Traditionally the seven of swords holds meanings of deception and betrayal. Now is a time to watch your back.
Also there is the possibility of ungrounded fears and confusion leading you to insecurities. Guilt or delusions might be causing you to judge yourself to harshly.
So watch your back, but also have your back. Take responsibility but don't torture yourself over silly fears and imaginary guilt.

It's strange pulling a shadow card, when you are in such a space of content peace. But the joy I felt in the woods, and at my faithful riverbank, were only temporary. Time's of reprieve are important, but they cannot shield us from the reality of human life.

Stay strong.
We are all in this together.


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