Saturday, 6 September 2014

The Life Spiral

Hi loves.
Sorry, there's a lot of tarot going on here on the blog at the moment.

But I just took another huge step in the eyes of tarot.
I made my own tarot spread!!

I'm sure there is something similar around, but I genuinely sat down and this came to me organically.

I've called it;

The Life Spiral Spread

I loved the idea of including spirals, the idea of this journey. 
I've always loved Fibonaccis number, and the idea of perfect facial features being based on it's Golden Spiral.
So, this felt very natural.

(You start at the central point, and follow around to the left, then up, and then simply spiral.)

Card One - Represents you.
Card Two - Shows obstacles in your path.
Card Three - What the past has taught you.
Card Four - Where do you want to go/ see yourself heading?
Card Five - Present Situation.
Card Six - Hopes or Fears.
Card Seven - The Future.
Card Eight - Overall outcome.

Here's a reading I did with this spanking new spread.

It was full of wonderful pulls - For example in the spot of card three, what has the past taught you - I actually pulled The Hierophant! The cards literally talking about a mentor, who has aided my life.

And yet again, in my future spot I pulled - The Magician - which keeps appearing here :)


I would love it if you'd give my little spread a try!
Let me know what you think, how it feels to you.
And I encourage you when you are ready to try creating your own spread...start thinking simply.

Reinvent a classic perhaps?

Sketch out a symbol you feel drawn to and make a spread in that shape?

I'm looking at the rune symbol Ehwar presently, and inventing a spread for travel.
Hopefully it'll be ready before my Scotland trip.

Up and coming on my blog, I have a few recipes to share, a vlog on autumnal/Halloween books, more tarot love, and I'm working on a video companion to my tea-leaf divination blog.

Love and Light to you all

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