Here are three top tips that I live by, when my photography's struggling.
Tip 1
Anything can be your subject!
Just because you're finding models hard to come by,
Or maybe times already stretched thin.
You can photograph everything and anything.
It is super important to keep shooting. To grow and expand your skill, you can't stop.
Photograph objects in your house.
Take photos of flowers.
Chase your pets through the house, until they pose for you.
(A section of snake skin from Osiris, my corn snake)
And if you find yourself with a weekend free, take a trip to a local animal sanctuary. Some small food donations or money in their pot will almost always guarantee you a free-roaming wander through their grounds.
Visit some flower gardens,
Or a pretty mansion with cheap entry.
Visit some flower gardens,
Or a pretty mansion with cheap entry.
(Otter babies photographed on a day out.)
Just keep shooting.
Tip 2
Your photography is for you!
That doesn't mean you can't share it on social media. But once you reach the point in your self when you realise that you do photography because you enjoy it and not to please others, you'll enjoy it a lot more.
When I made this transition, because I was only working on things I wanted to, my photography really, really improved.
You're not over analysing your work and what 'the public' will think of it.
(Model; Jadene Van Dyk)
Work with people who inspire you!
When you have time and resources to shoot with models/friends, make sure you choose people who you know are going to give their up-most to the shoot.
People who are going to push you to your limits.
And also people who are going to enjoy it.
There's nothing like coming away from a photoshoot with that buzz!
A fuzzy, warm feeling, that magic has been created on your camera.
So always have fun with it...
Otherwise what's the point?
My next blog will be a review of #tvk10 TheVeganKind monthly subscription box.
This one was a good one, so fellow vegans keep your eyes peeled for that!
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