Thursday, 28 August 2014

Tarot Thursday.

Todays Tarot Thursday comes to you from a rainy hill top, known as Gray Hill.
I roped in a friend for a trek to the top, hoping to re-find the sacred stone circle at its point.
However despite reaching the top, due to the heavens opening down upon us, visibility got difficult, and things got very wet.

So we gave up the search for today, to be resumed in better weather.

I did make time to stop and do a quick reading for you in this magical place.
I'll not lie to you it was very rushed, with rain droplets falling onto my cards, I was very worried about water damage.

For you lovely lot, I pulled

Seven of Swords
I feel like we've been getting a lot of swords lately. Times of struggle, and challenges are upon us.
Traditionally the seven of swords holds meanings of deception and betrayal. Now is a time to watch your back.
Also there is the possibility of ungrounded fears and confusion leading you to insecurities. Guilt or delusions might be causing you to judge yourself to harshly.
So watch your back, but also have your back. Take responsibility but don't torture yourself over silly fears and imaginary guilt.

When the weather improves, well...if the weather improves, I will go and do a reading for you inside the stone circle. A reading that will be filled with ancient wisdom and magic.

I've also been naughty and ordered 'Brian Frouds' Faerie Oracle Deck - so maybe next Thursday you will have a reading using that instead, for a bit of change.

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