Saturday, 2 August 2014

A belated Tarot Thursday

Hello Blog Bunnies!

Welcome to your belated tarot thursday!

So as I mentioned in my previous blog, I laid down my tarot deck in favour of my Druid Animal Oracle deck this week.
 It has beautiful imagery, you shall soon see.
And I also decided to do a different spread for you guys.

It is called the Spread of the Elements.

Each directional card relates to North, South, East, and West, and their correlating elements and emotions. So West, is the water element - Water relates to your emotional and creative state.

This spread is used to gain insights into aspects of yourself that may need development or balancing. It's a great spread for personal growth.


Above is the spread I pulled for you lovely readers.

Card 1 - is an overall representation of you.

Here I pulled; The Blackbird.

It is actually the first card in the deck. It revolves around enchantment, and the gateway between worlds. The Blackbird tells us, we must remember to listen to the song of our inner soul sometimes and not concentrate so much on the external world. You will discover new depths to yourself, hidden motivations and potential. And you will heal yourself.

Card 2 - East. Is about the intellectual side of yourself.

Here I pulled; The Ram.

Working with the ram as your ally will help you find the inner strength you need to succed. When thinking, and using your intellect, think upon your roots. Where have you come from? How have you grown from this? The Ram signifies a breakthrough - here perhaps a breakthrough in your way of thinking, and the perspective you have on the world.

Card 3 - South. Is about your sensuality.

Here I pulled; The Wolf.

What a wonderful card to have in such a poweful, passionate position. In order to learn and grow we must sometimes cross boundaries, and take risks outside of the norm. With the Wolf there is a huge sense of stability, and faithfulness. Learn your deepest self, and shadow desires, and set them free.

Card 4 - West. Is all about your emotional state

Here I pulled; The Cat.

We are a quiet observer of situations. And have the ability to not be judgemental rashly. Cats sit languidly for hours, simply observing. The apperance of this card, suggests it may be time to move. If you have something playing on your mind or upsetting you - speak out. You are wise, and you have watched things unfold, now share what you have learned.

And Finally...

Card 5 - North. Revolves around your spiritual self.

Here I pulled; The Bull.

The presence of the bull suggests the oppurtunity for a rich and abundant life. Spiritually you are on a road, perhaps a road of recovery, that will lead you to spiritual well-being. To find wealth in the real world, you must first find it in your heart. You make be working tirelessly. Think of the bull and he will help give you the knowledge that your work is worth it, and you should keep pushing through.

There you go.
Something a little different, and a little more indepth.
Hope you found it somewhat helpful - or atleast interesting.
This did take me a fairly long time to put together.


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