Saturday, 9 August 2014

Diamonds are a girls best friend

Today I did a reading for myself.
A 9 card spread, known as 'The Diamond Spread'.
It can be used in most situations, and for general non-question readings.

Card One - Represents you
Card Two - Your goals, and what's blocking them
Card Three - Your Dreams
Card Four - Your Knowledge. Achievements made, and mistakes learn't from
Card Five - Your Beliefs, a help or a hinderancce?
Card Six - Your Strength
Card Seven - Your Weakness
Card Eight - How you see yourself
Card Nine - Your Desires
Firstly, doing these bigger readings, has helped me a lot. It helps you make  a story, and you learn how to connect the cards better. Doing large spreads and spending a lot of time working on them I think will help any tarot reader in the making grow.
This above reading, was a bit of a shock to me because for the last two weeks, hardly any minor arcana has appeared in my personal spreads. This has loads.
Already this made my suspect a shift in my life.
Only 3 of these cards from 9, have appeared in my reading noticeably before.
I'm not going to go through the whole spread with you guys, as it's just for me anyway, but below I'll list all the cards in their positions, and I'll pick out a few to analyse in depth with you.
Here we go.
Card One - Three of Arrows
Card Two - Page of Pentacles
Card Three - Two of Cups
Card Four - Five of Swords
Card Five - Strength
Card Six - Nine of Cups
Card Seven - Seven of Pentacles
Card Eight - The Fool
Card Nine - Queen of Pentacles.

The Two Of Cups appeared in Card spot three, which is the space relating to my dreams. This card is all about attraction, both romantic and friendship. It shows the exploration of potential, and finding new relationships, and forming stronger bonds.
 Recently I've been feeling the absence of friends and like-minded people in my life. And it is true that it has always been a desire of mine, to have very tight-nit friends who I can share things with, have intellectual conversations with, make magic with, who are willing to put up with my crazy antics. And myself and my partner have recently been hitting a new level, after 8 years we're somewhere more advanced, at another stage, and I really want this growth to continue.
It's true that relationships are ever changing.

The Five of Arrows appeared in card space number 4, which is the space about knowledge gained from achievements and mistakes. This card screams about unfocused energy and anger, which leads to uncontrollable outbursts, and irrational thinking. In the picture you can see that through his frustration the archer is losing arrows almost blindly, never striking his target.
 And boy, do I understand this feeling! This is definitely a mistake I've made frequently in my past. The appearance here in the spread, reminds me to stay focused and also realistic with my expectations.
The Fool is probably my favourite card in the deck. And it has appeared in the best location! In card spot number 8, it's situated in the spread as the way I see myself.
The Fool means pure potential. You are a bird leaving the nest, unthinking, no fear of consequences, ready for adventure.
This is 100% how I feel at the moment. However I also feel that by others my potential is unrecognised...

For now.
In card spot 6, I drew the Nine of Cups. Spot 6 represents your strengths.
This card means Generosity. Compassion being rewarded. A chain of events leading to good things.
I definitely feel like helping others is a strength of mine. I listen to people, and am always trying to aid them in some way.
And on a larger scale, as a vegan and nature lover, I help the world. I guess you could say I'm generous with my time and resources to help the world become a better place.
That sounded a bit big headed, didn't it?
But it's important for everyone to recognise their good points as well as their flaws.
And this is the card in space number 9, my desires spot. The Queen of Pentacles is one of the cards I've hade that's reappeared numerous times in my readings. The Queen of Pentacles suggests richness surrounding you. Pentacles usually have a reference to money and abundance. Queens are people who generate respect and have a very nurturing side to them, they raise people up and help fulfil them.
I'd never looked at this card as being a desire of mine  before. But their is truth in the fact that really everyone wants to be financially stable, and most people can't honestly say that they wouldn't want to be popular in some form.
 This card also relates to my dreams card, and to my strengths card.

And that's that.
I hope you are enjoying following my tarot journey.
As I finish typing this, the Parlour music is playing in the background.
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Let me know how you find my tarot posts, feel free to ask my questions, and to make suggestions for future blogs.

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