Monday, 25 August 2014

The Magic Tree Spread

Tarot lovers,
Gypsy sister,
Magic makers,
Dream weavers.

Today, because you've all been so good. I'm going to share with you a full in-depth analysis of a reading I performed for MYSELF.

This is something I wouldn't usually do in full.
Readings are personal things,
They are secrets whispered to you by the cards,
From the Divine.
And usually that is how they stay, for your ears and minds alone.

However this reading was so powerful to me, And as I'm taking you on my tarot journey, I feel I should share with you, what may be one of my most spot - on, non-question readings to date.

As I've mentioned my connection to tarot is ever-growing, my skill is expanding into something even I did not foresee.
And I don't mean that in an arrogant way. But the hours, the learning, the magic I've put into my divination is being returned to me in the gift of this.

So, lets jump in.

This spread is 'The Magic Tree' Spread which I was lucky enough to be taught by Veronica Varlow in the last parlour session.
And I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it here in this way.
I'm not trying to teach you what me and so many others pay for from her, I'm simply taking you on my personal tarot train. 
This blog is about what the cards say for me (or you) and not about how to do these spreads, or a step by step guide to this form of divination.

The Magic Tree
The base cards are about your roots, and where you come from.
The next card up, is about your foundations. What makes you you?
Followed by your heart and your emotions.
Next is an overall view, an overlook on you and your life.
And finally the top two cards are your branches. What your dreams are, and how to reach them.
Card 1 and Card 2 -

I pulled 'The Stag' and 'The Green Man' for my root cards.
In the Rider Waite deck that is Strength, and The Emperor!

Could I ask for a better place to come from? These cards suggest my ancestors were super strong people.
The Stag is all about courage and overcoming fears.
The Emperor is the card of positive order, determination and focus.

'The Seer'
Better known as The High Priestess.
Now this card, in this position, has me excited.
(I think I'm about to sound arrogant again, aren't I?)

So this spot in the spread is about your foundations. The base of yourself.
The Seer is someone who is totally in touch with her intuition. She knows the worlds mysteries, and she is strong and powerful.
An Inner guide you NEED to listen to.
Your own voice.
Trust her.

In my emotions zone, I pulled 'The Gaurdian' - You know that little friend of ours, normally called 'The Devil'.
Don't be scared of these cards loves!
Don't shy away from what the cards are telling you, it's not a positive card by any means. But like everything in tarot it is workable, and guidance.
So...The Gaurdian/Devil stands for being held back. It's about enslavement. You have to remember that YOU are your own worst enemy!
Your mind is usually what stops you moving forward in life.

I'm definitely feeling this card.
I always stop myself from reaching for what I want.
And in my heart of hearts I know this...
So let's put a stop to this shall we,
And chuck myself out into the big scary world!
(If only it was that easy, right?!)

Now... I love my Wildwood Tarot Deck - but the only place we have some confusion is with the suit cards. The meaning's don't quite match up always to the traditional meanings.
So what I do, when reading for myself or someone else, is combine the meaning given to me in my guide book, with a traditional Rider Waite analysis.
Here I pulled the 'Five Of Bows (Wands)' - This card is about competition, strife and conflict. But it is also about empowerment. By facing and defeating our greatest fears, we empower ourselves, and build our resilience.

In regards to myself, and the fact that this card is an overview of myself. I believe this conflict is nearly solitarily internal. Again, it's me being my own worst enemy.

And finally, we reach the trees branches. My dreams, what needs to be done to achieve them, what I'm reaching for, and how to achieve it.

We'll start with 'The Blasted Oak', which is 'The Tower'.
The Tower is a card about the shattering of illusions, having a total breakthrough. It suggests that stronger foundations need to be made.
Does that seem odd at all?
As my foundation cards were so strong and positive?
But just because I have those foundations, doesn't mean I use them. It doesn't mean I am using that strength, my ancestors had.
The final card is the 'Seven Of Bows (Wands)'
Paired up with the 'The Tower' This card says I need to have a clear out, and sort out my priorities. Because this card is Wands, there is an element of challenge, competition, and perseverance. It suggests you are unclear of yourself, and where you are putting your feet.

And there you have it.
This was the reading I pulled for myself, I felt I had to share it with you.
Partly as a sign of trust.
And something inside me was telling me to.
And I don't often argue with my instincts.

I hope you enjoyed it.
Don't forget to stop by on Thursday for YOUR reading.


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