Thursday, 14 August 2014

Tarot Thursday

Back to a one card pull for you wonderful people this week.
Your reading this week is;

Nine of Bows

This is more of a shadow card I'm afraid...I think it's the first one I've pulled for you, since starting Tarot Thursdays.

The Nine of Wands says that in the near future you will be put through a test of faith, and you will need resilience, more than normal. We are reminded that things cannot be completed without first facing the challenge. If we look inside ourselves we are able to see that these challenges may be of our own working, through past mistakes, and negative energies we've put out into the world. But the Nine of Wands tells us that to move on to the next stage, we must not look bitterly upon these mistakes or failures. We must be positive and good-natured to get passed lifes challenges.

And to quote my guide book;

"...reminds us to treat the challenges of the wildwood with patience and compassion, making each scar or wound suffered during the struggle, a badge of honour."
                                                                             - The WildWood Tarot; Mark Ryan &John Matthews


  1. This is exactly the message i needed to hear today..thanks :)

    1. You are very much welcome. I do one every Thursday, so check back then :)
      Glad it could help x
