Saturday, 30 August 2014

A Beginners Beginning to Tea-Leaf Divination

Hello my darlings.

Today I'm feeling that divination is in the cards. It is a good time to commune with the spirits.

So I'm going to show you the very basics to doing a reading for yourself with tea-leaves.
If you have any questions, or want to know more feel free to ask me in the comments.

The first thing to talk about is the cup itself.
Obviously this type of divination has to be done in a teacup, preferably one with a wider rim.

The top or rim of the cup, represents the present. Any shapes here show your current situations and events.
The middle of the cup, is the near future - things that will soon come to pass.
And the base, is your distant future. And yes we can literally be talking years here.

Symbols seen closer to the handle tend to represent you (or the person being read for)
And when symbols fall close together in your teacup they will probably be correlated events.

 The Method.

Brew yourself a pot of loose-leaf tea. Earl-grey is a great one to use. My local occult stockist recommends loose green tea. But find what works for you, something that doesn't hugely unfurl into giant leaves.
 Once brewed, without using a strainer pour yourself a cup.
You may have to repeat this process, and drink through a few cups, to get a generous amount of tea-leafs in your teacup.
As you drink meditate on a question - or just try and clear your mind.

When only a small amount of liquid remains, take the cup in your dominant hand.
Swirl what remains clockwise, three times.
(Remember 3 is a magic number!)
And now upend your cup into your saucer., some diviners will rotate the cup whilst face down to the saucer, three full turns - again clockwise. It is not done by everyone, and again it's about what feels right to you.
Personally I find it very noisy, and not necessarily the best way to treat your china. 

If you have done these steps correctly, and measured your liquid and tea-leaf amount effectively - this does come with practice, so stay patient my pretties - you should be left with leaves stuck to your cup, when you turn it up the right way again.

This is what you read from.
If you become more experienced, you can branch into reading the remains of your saucer aswell.

It is up to you to find the shapes and symbols in your cup.
There are plenty of books and online resources to help you find the shape meanings. But, I wouldn't look at these, until you have found the shapes.

Otherwise you might end up seeing what you want to see.
Someone craving a relationship might see a heart in the cup that is not really there.

Sometimes there might be a lot of symbols in one reading, sometimes it might be a solitary shape...and sometimes it might be nothing at all.
 Don't force yourselves to find things. Wash your cup out and try again tomorrow.
It might not be the right time for a reading.

Like with tarot it is worth keeping a journal of tea-leaf reading to see how your reading pan out in reality.
This is one of my readings.

            - I use the Edwardian Divination cup. The markings on the cup are for an old party game used in the early 1900s. You don't have to use these, and your everyday teacup will work for divination just fine.
I enjoy the markings though - and it makes the divination seem even more magical.

There was only one shape I could find here.

A Dog.
Do you see it?

 The dog means 'Loyal friends and associates will support you in everything you do, so don't be afraid to ask for help.'

The dog is at the very base of my cup, pertaining to my needing this 'help' a long time in the future. However the dog is also very, very close to the handle. This would suggest that whatever happens, is going to affect me directly and personally.

The trick with tea reading is that it relies a lot on your own intuition. This can make it a bit daunting - the rules are not as clear cut as with tarot of palmistry. You will see what needs to be seen.

Let me know if you give this a try,
I'd love to see how you get on.

Love to all.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Tarot Thursday.

Todays Tarot Thursday comes to you from a rainy hill top, known as Gray Hill.
I roped in a friend for a trek to the top, hoping to re-find the sacred stone circle at its point.
However despite reaching the top, due to the heavens opening down upon us, visibility got difficult, and things got very wet.

So we gave up the search for today, to be resumed in better weather.

I did make time to stop and do a quick reading for you in this magical place.
I'll not lie to you it was very rushed, with rain droplets falling onto my cards, I was very worried about water damage.

For you lovely lot, I pulled

Seven of Swords
I feel like we've been getting a lot of swords lately. Times of struggle, and challenges are upon us.
Traditionally the seven of swords holds meanings of deception and betrayal. Now is a time to watch your back.
Also there is the possibility of ungrounded fears and confusion leading you to insecurities. Guilt or delusions might be causing you to judge yourself to harshly.
So watch your back, but also have your back. Take responsibility but don't torture yourself over silly fears and imaginary guilt.

When the weather improves, well...if the weather improves, I will go and do a reading for you inside the stone circle. A reading that will be filled with ancient wisdom and magic.

I've also been naughty and ordered 'Brian Frouds' Faerie Oracle Deck - so maybe next Thursday you will have a reading using that instead, for a bit of change.

Monday, 25 August 2014

The Magic Tree Spread

Tarot lovers,
Gypsy sister,
Magic makers,
Dream weavers.

Today, because you've all been so good. I'm going to share with you a full in-depth analysis of a reading I performed for MYSELF.

This is something I wouldn't usually do in full.
Readings are personal things,
They are secrets whispered to you by the cards,
From the Divine.
And usually that is how they stay, for your ears and minds alone.

However this reading was so powerful to me, And as I'm taking you on my tarot journey, I feel I should share with you, what may be one of my most spot - on, non-question readings to date.

As I've mentioned my connection to tarot is ever-growing, my skill is expanding into something even I did not foresee.
And I don't mean that in an arrogant way. But the hours, the learning, the magic I've put into my divination is being returned to me in the gift of this.

So, lets jump in.

This spread is 'The Magic Tree' Spread which I was lucky enough to be taught by Veronica Varlow in the last parlour session.
And I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it here in this way.
I'm not trying to teach you what me and so many others pay for from her, I'm simply taking you on my personal tarot train. 
This blog is about what the cards say for me (or you) and not about how to do these spreads, or a step by step guide to this form of divination.

The Magic Tree
The base cards are about your roots, and where you come from.
The next card up, is about your foundations. What makes you you?
Followed by your heart and your emotions.
Next is an overall view, an overlook on you and your life.
And finally the top two cards are your branches. What your dreams are, and how to reach them.
Card 1 and Card 2 -

I pulled 'The Stag' and 'The Green Man' for my root cards.
In the Rider Waite deck that is Strength, and The Emperor!

Could I ask for a better place to come from? These cards suggest my ancestors were super strong people.
The Stag is all about courage and overcoming fears.
The Emperor is the card of positive order, determination and focus.

'The Seer'
Better known as The High Priestess.
Now this card, in this position, has me excited.
(I think I'm about to sound arrogant again, aren't I?)

So this spot in the spread is about your foundations. The base of yourself.
The Seer is someone who is totally in touch with her intuition. She knows the worlds mysteries, and she is strong and powerful.
An Inner guide you NEED to listen to.
Your own voice.
Trust her.

In my emotions zone, I pulled 'The Gaurdian' - You know that little friend of ours, normally called 'The Devil'.
Don't be scared of these cards loves!
Don't shy away from what the cards are telling you, it's not a positive card by any means. But like everything in tarot it is workable, and guidance.
So...The Gaurdian/Devil stands for being held back. It's about enslavement. You have to remember that YOU are your own worst enemy!
Your mind is usually what stops you moving forward in life.

I'm definitely feeling this card.
I always stop myself from reaching for what I want.
And in my heart of hearts I know this...
So let's put a stop to this shall we,
And chuck myself out into the big scary world!
(If only it was that easy, right?!)

Now... I love my Wildwood Tarot Deck - but the only place we have some confusion is with the suit cards. The meaning's don't quite match up always to the traditional meanings.
So what I do, when reading for myself or someone else, is combine the meaning given to me in my guide book, with a traditional Rider Waite analysis.
Here I pulled the 'Five Of Bows (Wands)' - This card is about competition, strife and conflict. But it is also about empowerment. By facing and defeating our greatest fears, we empower ourselves, and build our resilience.

In regards to myself, and the fact that this card is an overview of myself. I believe this conflict is nearly solitarily internal. Again, it's me being my own worst enemy.

And finally, we reach the trees branches. My dreams, what needs to be done to achieve them, what I'm reaching for, and how to achieve it.

We'll start with 'The Blasted Oak', which is 'The Tower'.
The Tower is a card about the shattering of illusions, having a total breakthrough. It suggests that stronger foundations need to be made.
Does that seem odd at all?
As my foundation cards were so strong and positive?
But just because I have those foundations, doesn't mean I use them. It doesn't mean I am using that strength, my ancestors had.
The final card is the 'Seven Of Bows (Wands)'
Paired up with the 'The Tower' This card says I need to have a clear out, and sort out my priorities. Because this card is Wands, there is an element of challenge, competition, and perseverance. It suggests you are unclear of yourself, and where you are putting your feet.

And there you have it.
This was the reading I pulled for myself, I felt I had to share it with you.
Partly as a sign of trust.
And something inside me was telling me to.
And I don't often argue with my instincts.

I hope you enjoyed it.
Don't forget to stop by on Thursday for YOUR reading.


Saturday, 23 August 2014

I visited a secret world where magic happens...

Hello dear readers.
Saturday daytime I went to heaven.
Matt did the hour drive into Somerset, so I could go to an open day at Secret World Wildlife Rehabilitation Sanctuary.
What a beautiful, beautiful day!
We took a bag of dog and cat food for donations, and I slipped a note into their bucket, after parking up in the field.
I really admire what these wildlife places do. And they need all the help they can get, so if you feel like donating, visit their website here;
Or find a local wildlife centre near you, and take them up some food, or old towels. They'll really appreciate it. 
This place saves injured or dyeing wildlife and either releases them back into the wild if possible, or gives them a forever place at the sanctuary.
It is my dream career, and it is truly astounding the work and care that goes into this job!
So, we got into this wonderful courtyard full of people...and as I was looking for directional sign posts, Matt pointed out that the volunteers in the courtyard all had birds of prey attached to their arms.
How had I missed that?
Out came the camera, and I got some quick shots, of these regal beasts.

Dotted around were these yellow, portable incubators. Inside were babies. Oh how I adore this type of baby. Ducklings, fledglings and even a curled up baby squirrel.
There was also an area, all about the cull and badger prejudice.
If you went through an old barn door, you could see through a glass pane into the badger sets.
Obviously being the day, the badgers were all there curled up, having a snooze.
They were really close to the glass, and despite it being too dark for a picture, you'll just have to trust me that they were stunning.
Wandering around towards the hedgehog enclosures, I could barely contain my enthusiasm as to how brilliant the enclosures for everything were. As natural as possible, safe and HUGE!
So in a little tent, I picked up handfuls (yes handfuls) of leaflets on how to make your garden and lifestyle hedgehog friendly.
We were just in time for the hedgehog talk.
Everyone listened, anticipating the arrival of the little beauties.
They did not disappoint.
Little noses wiggling, and alert eyes shining in the sun.
They only had a few more weeks at the facility, before they were going back to the wild.

Gardens galore led us to the fox enclosures...but sadly they must have all taken to ground as we saw no red fur today.
 Looking into a large fenced off area, with a pond, and lots of ducks, geese, and peacocks...I finally found a gorgeous red deer. I'd been waiting for her.
She did not want to stay still mind, more interested in the food coming her way than in us.
She was a lot bigger than I expected the deer there to be.
I adore deer.
I've been feeling super connected to them recently.
Imagery of them is everywhere I look, and something about them has taken root in my heart.
Matt got some chips from a vendor in the field, and then we headed into the gift shop.
Where I obviously could not resist an adoption pack.
I choose the otter....
Mainly because the otter toy was the cutest ;)

What a glorious day!

And now I'm sat with my candles burning, the sun streaming upon my face through the window, and the Parlour is just about to begin.
Learning a new tarot spread today.

Life is beautiful.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Tarot Thursday

Welcome back.
Today is Tarot Thursday!
As you'll have seen yesterday, todays reading was brought to you from the middle of the woods. Nature fuelled this pull, and mother earth was the resting place for my deck.

So, drum roll please....

Knight of Pentacles

Court cards often represent people coming into your life, but the attributes I'm about to mention could refer to a new person around the corner, or it could be simply yourself.
Knights are about moving and action. Pentacles are about money, and material worth.
 This card says that you are growing a dream. The card breathes an air of success, specifically financially. As a person, this card is someone loyal and committed.

 It's telling you to take that next step, take action towards your dream...everything will work out fine.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The WildWood Is Alive And Thriving

Hello my loves.

As I write this to you, I have moss clinging to my hair, tree bark between my toes, and my heart full of wilderness.
I went into the woods today,
Far from the beaten track.

I climbed  and danced my way along fallen trees,
Soaking in the feeling of the wind on my skin.

I went to the woods to perform a bit of magic that the wonderful Veronica Varlow taught me, magic to get my foot in the door!

I took my deck with me.
Seriously fellow tarot readers! If you have not yet gone adventuring with your deck into the wild, DO IT!
Do it now!
Find a spot,
Get comfortable.
Take in the sound of the birds, the small wildlife rustling nearby in the undergrowth. Watch the sunlight filtering through the leaves, as it creates gently swaying shadows down around you.

Feel the solid earth beneath your bare feet.
Get connected.
Feel the power of nature around you, and use it.
Push all of this raw energy into doing a fantastic reading.

I did a reading for myself, using the Compass Spread.

Now, this reading was super positive. The universe is practically screaming at me, that all the steps I've taken recently will pay off, and the future is bright.
Card 1 - Ten Of Cups
Card 2 - The Sun
Card 3 - Page Of Cups
Card 4 - Ace Of Wands
Card 5 - The World

Any reading that features 'The World' gives me butterflies.

It is the last card in the major arcana, number 21. It is all about being in the here and now. Success, euphoria and completion! Being alive in the moment - And an end to a challenge, and now a new beginning!

Don't worry witch babies, I did a reading out in the WildWood for you aswell.
But you'll have to wait till Tarot Thursday, tomorrow for yours.

Check back then.
I'll see you here tomorrow.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Love Candle

Today I'm going to share with you;
a magic charm candle for love, partnership...and hut hum...a bit of steam in the bedroom.
You'll need a few things.
  • A pillar candle (preferably red)
  • A candle plate
  • Lace or ribbon
  • A meaningful charm (with a handy loop)
  • A needle
  • Pink/Red Thread
  • Dried Rose Buds

Step 1;

Get yourself a red pillar candle. It doesn't have to be red, but if not at-least make it a colour meaningful to you and your partner.
 It would be best if you could make the candle yourself, but sometimes time and money get in the way. I was running on empty by the end of this week, so I paid for a wonderful woman in my local reiki shop to make a candle specifically for me, with a lovely rose scent.

Step 2;

Find yourself a charm, that reaches out to you.
Something like the above, is a good choice because it has sensuality and magic about it already.

Now, you need to take this charm between your palms - clasped as if you are praying. And you need to rub, HARD. As you rub think of everything you wish to conquer in your partnership! Skills you need to master, having your partner listen to you, sex more frequently, experimentation, more holding can literally be anything, as long as your heart desires it.
As you rub, imagine a gentle red light pouring from your heart, through your arms, and then into your hands. It's all going into the charm, to hold all those prayers there for you.

Set the charm aside momentarily, and take your ribbon or lace.
Wrap it around your candles mid-point, 3 times.
3 is a magic is the number of the triple goddess, the rule of three, and is often used in binding.
And that is what we are all about right now.
Binding, and union.

Once you've tied it off in a bow, take some thread and tie your little charm around the bow, as shown below...

For the next step you'll need those dried rose buds.
This can also be done using rose petals, but they tend to be quite brittle.

Why roses?
They're the flower of love of-course!

The language of flowers first came to Europe in the 18th century and it was HUGE. The Victorians started speaking this language in bouquets of flowers, every flower, and colour signifying something different.
Below is a quick guide to a few rose colours;

Red Roses ~ Love and Respect
Coral Roses ~ Desire
Purple Roses ~ Sweet Thoughts
Yellow ~ Joy and Friendship
White Roses ~ Purity and Virginity
Pink Roses ~ Appreciation and Gratitude
That's just a few, and there are lots of books on Victorian flower language out there for you to read, and useful internet pages also. Combining different colours can create different hopes and dreams for your relationship.
So choose carefully.


Thread your needle and then carefully sew the rose buds together. Go slowly and gently.
With every stitch you make a wish for your relationship.
With every stitch a wish!
You can do as many roses as you wish, I chose 8 to symbolise the amount of years my partner and I have been together.
So to complete your love candle; place the candle on your suitable heat-proof plate, and then around the base you need to tie, your sewn roses.
Creating yet another circle for your relationship.
Place your magic candle on a bedside table, where you and your partner sleep - or if you do not live together, next to a photo of them.
For the first few burns, you can leave the lace on. But the more you use it, it is best to take the lace/ribbon this point you can begin carrying the charm in your pocket or purse.
The magic won't be undone, because you've already sent it out in to the world with the action of doing it.
Remember never leave a burning candle unattended.


Friday, 15 August 2014

The Vegan Kind - Box #10

My The Vegan Kind Monthly Subscription box arrived last week, and it was a good 'un!

TVK, is a wonderful service for the UK, and Europe that you can sign up to for £13 a month, and they'll send you a surprise box of vegan goodies.
Find out more about it here;
This months box was amazing! I opened it as soon as I picked it up from the post office. As soon as I saw the first item on the top of the box I squealed, causing quite a few stares.
The first item was...dun dun dun...

Strawberry Flavoured Freedom Mallows.
I haven't had marshmallows for 12 frickin' years!
It's just not something you could buy as a vegetarian where I lived. When I saw the introduction of 'freedom mallows' to the UK, I was more than excited. But still I could not get my hands on them easily or to see them sitting on the top of my box, blew my tiny mind.
^^As you can see, they didn't even make it home. I plonked myself down in a park, and enjoyed them with my soy chai latte.
The texture was not exactly as I remembered marshmallows, but it was a good attempt. They were packed with that strawberry flavour but remained not too sickly sweet.
Definatley a brilliant snack I would have again and again.
'Nothing But - mange tout and red pepper snack.
These freeze dried pieces of veg in a bag, had me kind-of intrigued. They did not look appetizing, but I gave them a shot. Taste wise they weren't bad, a bit like watered down mange tout and pepper. The idea of them for a healthy snack is clever, but something just wasn't working....maybe it was the texture. They were very dry.
A friend of mine who also got this box, suggested dipping them in hummus, as she said it made them not just edible but enjoyable.
So, these weren't bad when jazzed up with a side of dip, but not something I would go out and buy through choice.
'Pulsin' Vanilla choc chop protein snack.
This is the only thing from my box I haven't actually eaten yet - I'm waiting until I need an energy boost.
But let me tell you this...protein bars and I do not get on.
I hate dates.
But...that being said, the sound of this bar excites me. I might have found a vegan  power bar I'm going to enjoy.
'LivingNaturally' -Soapnut Powder Laundry Tabs.
The main part of the box (RRP being a whopping £6+) was a HUGE bag of laundry tabs.
They're straight in the drum tabs, enough for 20 washes.
I used them the day after they arrived, just to see how good they were.
I put them to the ultimate test.
Washing mine and my partners work uniforms, which get pretty darn grubby!
The packet suggested using two tabs for really soiled loads, so I did.
And they did a good job - not anything miraculous, but not any worse than my Co-Op branded washing purchases.
The smell was pleasant and the clothes were clean.
So thumbs up from me.
'Propercorn' Sweet and Salty Popcorn.
 I don't have much to say about this. Scrummy popcorn, nice taste and texture.
Just popcorn.
 PLUS! The bonus gift of a 'Fuelled by Compassion' wristband. Which I haven't taken off yet.
A truly superb box! I cannot wait for next months box. It's like a reward for being vegan, and saving lives. 


On an additional note here is a booktube video I recently uploaded on charity shop finds.